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synthetic introduction to "risk economy"
[that text called an interaction on the web and was distributed in the
space of the former prison of castiadas
(4/10 september 2008), where the file "risk economy" was visible on
the project stems from the need to highlight the risk of paralysis or
slowdown a global economy underlying to a system structurally capitalist
often characterized by behaviors dictated only by profit and exploitation.
after the collapse of the berlin wall actually in the world have highlighted
two contrapposted trends: a reformist one with intentions progressive, democratic
and sincerely committed, but among thousand contradictions, to accelerate globally
the improvement of living conditions of people. and another essentially opportunist ready to move investments,
resources and energy from one place to another of the planet as soon as the
demands and the claim of rights makes an area less competitive.
the risk is that this feeds a movement apparently dynamic,
really repetitive and conservative of the staus quo.
including all its problems unresolved.